Whitney Dobson

Whitney Dobson

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Whitney Dobson, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Infinity Water Solutions, is an accomplished chemical engineer with proven expertise in developing innovative water infrastructure systems. With a foundation in the reduction of nuclear waste using wiped film evaporation technology, Whitney transitioned her focus to advancements in water infrastructure specifically tailored for oil and gas operators. Through her various roles in produced water management, she’s consistently been an advocate for improved utilization and increased efficiency in completion activities and groundwater use.

In her earlier role as the water manager for PDC Energy, Whitney demonstrated her leadership by engineering and overseeing the construction and operations of one of the pioneering water recycle sites in Pecos, TX. This project demonstrated the potential of treating and reusing produced water in completion operations, highlighting solutions that supported sustainable water management practices.

As COO of Infinity Water Solutions, Whitney continues to play a critical role in shaping the strategic direction of the company. She spearheads the development and execution of innovation strategies, working closely with regulators and scientists to identify cutting-edge technologies and opportunities that can expand the use of treated produced water beyond traditional uses within the oil and gas industry. Through her role, she interacts with the local communities to understand and address concerns around water management, and how industry can provide a solution to these concerns.

Whitney’s work is instrumental in advancing Infinity Water Solutions’ commitment to sustainable solutions for water reuse and management. She also holds her MBA from the University of Chicago, Booth.

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